The official SAPA statement regarding the humanitarian crisis in Israel and Palestine
PAVE: Paediatricans Against Violence Everywhere
An Appeal for Peace in Israel and Palestine
1st December 2023
The South African Paediatric Association (SAPA) is committed to promoting the wellbeing of all children and their families. This is especially in all areas where children are facing violent conflict and trauma and particularly at this time in Israel and Palestine. We are acutely aware of the horrific human rights violations. SAPA is unequivocally committed to the immediate cessation of all violence and ongoing destruction that is affecting children and all their caregivers. We are cognisant that the consequences of the Israel and Palestine war, and in all areas of conflict, will have long standing physical, emotional and psychological trauma to children.
SAPA and all associated paediatric health care professionals are committed to advocate and be a voice for children’s rights. As such, SAPA is appalled by the conflict and ongoing human rights violations and loss of life that is occurring in Israel and Palestine. There is no justification for depriving and withholding essential services such as water, food and electricity from innocent civilians and persevering with daily destruction.
SAPA unreservedly supports the rights of children globally and that these rights are always upheld and respected. This extends to opposing violations of human rights and supporting all inherent humanitarian efforts to assist the vulnerable. SAPA supports those who are providing care to children under trying circumstances, putting their own lives in danger in order to continue providing services. We are aware that these health care professionals will also need support now and as they recover in the future.
As paediatricians working in South Africa we are sensitive to the vulnerability experienced in a violent society. We advocate for the safety of all children and their families and join in solidarity with other calls for an immediate and sustained ceasefire, safe access to humanitarian aid, basic supplies, and essential services for all civilians.
SAPA invites the paediatric community to join an initiative called PAVE: Paediatricians Against Violence Everywhere. Together we can “pave” a safer future for children around the world.
Chairperson: Despina Demopoulos
Ex-officio: Ziyaad Dangor
Secretary: Lindo Radebe
Treasurer: Andrew Redfern
Members: Martie Wege, Mignon McCulloch,Shaegan Irusen, Samina Yakoob, Zinhle Vilakazi, Mark Atkins
SA Paediatric Association (RF) NPC is a registered non-profit company (Registration number 2023 / 194746 / 08)